Duration 52:59

Get Into Web Development with Suze Shardlow and Niamh McCooey :: Ladies Of Code London

502 watched
Published 3 May 2020

How to get into Web Development with Suze Shardlow and Niamh McCooey! * Want a new career building stuff with code? * Thinking about web development? * Confused about the paths to entry? LoC's Suze Shardlow interviews special guest, front end web developer Niamh McCooey, and finds out about how she taught herself to code and then got paid web developer roles. Ladies Of Code London is a meetup group with more than 3600 members. Events are aimed at meeting the needs of women and non-binary people. Everyone is welcome to attend. *** For more info on Ladies Of Code London and to become a member: https://www.meetup.com/Ladies-of-Code-UK *** Ladies Of Code London on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ladiesofcodeLDN Suze Shardlow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuzeShardlow Niamh McCooey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/niamhmccoo *** Resources: codebar: http://tutorials.codebar.io/ codepen: https://codepen.io/ freeCodeCamp: https://www.freecodecamp.org/ MDN web docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ CSS-Tricks: https://css-tricks.com/ Grid by Example: https://gridbyexample.com/ Flexbox Froggy: https://flexboxfroggy.com/ Grasshopper: https://grasshopper.app/ Eloquent JavaScript: https://eloquentjavascript.net/ Reactiflux: https://www.reactiflux.com/ egghead: https://egghead.io/ Kata-Log: https://kata-log.rocks/index.html Node Girls: https://nodegirls.com/ New Adventures: https://newadventuresconf.com/ Ladies Of Code: https://www.ladiesofcode.com/ React London: https://meetup.react.london/ Front-end London: https://frontendlondon.co.uk/


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