Duration 10:51

አዲሱ ሃይማኖት - ፍቅርሲዝም ሐይማኖት - Yeneta tube ነብዩ ደምሳሽ | fekersizem | Abrelo HD

265 watched
Published 24 Jan 2023

Welcome to the channel. Here to spread love and positivity. I am Matewos(NikName: mati_man, Lij Mati) from Ethiopia. This channel aims to create entertaining content for Habisha people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't overthink, Just relax! Enjoy together with us!, Peace to Ethiopian, Peace to world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Following me on social media; YouTube👉/c/LijMati/videos Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/lijmati1221/ TikTok 👉https://www.tiktok.com/@ lijmati1221 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #adeydrama#abrelohd #habeshatiktok የ 6 ዓመቱ አየር ወለድ....@comedianeshetu #kids #amazing #ethiopia #dinklejoch #show #christmas ካልዲስ ኮፊ ጀርባ ያልተጠበቀ ነገር እና ቲክቶከሮቹ ምን ነካቸው 😳 ህዝቡን ያስደነገጠው የትልቁ አርቲስት ልመና እና ኢትዮ ቴሌኮም ውስጥ ……… 😳 /በስንቱ/ Besintu EP 24 እረኛዬ ክፍል 3 - Eregnaye season 4 Part 12 @Arts Tv World Adey Drama part season አደይ ድራማ ክፍል Abol TV Adey drama 🔴የአደይ ድራማዋን በእምነት በገና በዓል ሰርፕራይዝ አደረግኳት | Dallol Entertainment በሚስ Earth በመወዳደር ሀገሬን አስተዋውቄ መጥቻለሁ… ሞዴል ህይወት ካሳ| Seifu on EBS ትላንት በጨቅላነቱ ለአባይ ያቀነቀነው አሰግድ ዛሬ ሙሉ አልበም ለቋል... ዘና ማለት ለፈለገ …. አዝናኝ ጨዋታ | Seifu on EBS ወስኛለሁ ... ለልጄ ስል ለመጨረሻ ጊዜ እዘፍንና አቆማለሁ...ሀዘኑ በጣም ጎዳኝ ... ተወዳጅዋ ድምፃዊት የሺእመቤት ዱባለ | Seifu on EBS የ4 አመቱ ጫማ ጠራጊ ህፃን /አዲስ ምዕራፍ/ /እሁድን በኢቢኤስ/ ፍቅርን በዜማ…የዘፈን ምልልስ //በእሁድን በኢቢኤስ// ''እኔም ሙሉ ሆንኩኝ ልጆቼም አያት ኖራቸው'' ከ45አመት በኋላ እናቷን ያገኘችው እናት //በቅዳሜ ከሰዓት// #ethiopianmovie #ኢቢኤስ #EBS #BESINTU_SITCOM #abrelohd #alexisalexii #alextube #ale #ksi #ብሩክታዊትሽመልስ #bruktawitshimelis #newyear #donkeytube #comedianeshetu #dinklejoch #dinklejoch #dinqlejoch #father #google #tiktokers #Blogging #Twitter #Ethiopiancomedy #ebstv #bbcnews #Ethiopian #ethiopianmusic #paralyzed #motivationalspeech #amharicmovies2022 #መድረክ #lovestory #lovestorymovie #official #comedian #drama #ድንቅልጆች #donkeytube #ebssundayshow #live #lovesacrifice #lovestory #abrelohd #Eregnaye #bruktawit #Newethiopianmusic #SeifuonEBS #SeifuFantahun #SeifuFantahunShow #seifuonebs #saron #saron_ayelign #golddiggerprank #golddiggerprankethiopia #asertad #dallolentertainment #dishtagina #mekonen #ethiopiantiktok #EthiopianGoldDiggerPrank #gold_digger_prank #AddisChewata #bruktawit_shimelis #የልብ_ወግ #yeleb_weg #Eregnaye #Newethiopianmusic #shorts #short #moneymaking #Bitcoin #Crypto #cryptocurrency #money #paypal #paypalmoney #making_money #makemoneyonline #makemoneyfast #money_on_youtube #howto #increaserevenue #increase_cpm #finance #investing #marketing #affiliatemarketing #affiliatemarket #affiliate_marketing #united_states #saudi_arebia #united_arab_emirates #germany #netherlands #denmark #switzerland #sweden #kuwait #canada #truki #australia #norway #united_kingdom #finland #unitedstates #norway #unitedkingdom #uae #poland


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